Flashback Friday: About Abroad in August

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

This post is long overdue.

The first days of travel are filled with excitement and adventure! Mine was not. My luggage got lost, I got lost, and my apartment had no air conditioning. It was hot. Really hot. The apartment was hot and the city was too.

In the process of traveling from The States to Italy, my luggage was "lost" in a missed flight and an extremely long layover scenario. I had everything I needed for the first week but I would need the contents of my second bag within the next week. About four days later, my bag arrives at the post office and I take it home via taxi.

The (first) week went by with the strangest pace. We, my housemates and I, would get up every day and attend our orientation events, then return home a few hours later. Once we were home, we fell asleep. This cycle was continued for the week.

We ate (and drank) really well. Ravioli, pizza, and other kinds of pasta filled our stomachs and opened our hearts to the Italian experience.

Ravioli from Il David

The Italian Experience requires you to find yourself in many ways whether that is internal or external. We found ourselves lost at EVERY TURN. Construction and hard-to-read (or nonexistent) street signs didn't help either. We managed to find our way eventually. We found our way but we also found places to shop, eat, and explore.

August wasn't overly eventful. I did visit Cinque Terre but that is about it. Classes had begun, it was still VERY HOT, and it was time to put the "Study" in "Study" Abroad. Time went by quite fast. August flew into September. September is another story.

Currently Abroad,

Natalie D.